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Administrative and municipal law

Kleimenova M. O. On Administrative-Law Regulation of Protection of Exclusive Right to Means of Identification

Abstract: The subject of research is the rule of the law providing governmental regulation to ensure the administrativelaw treatment of commercial name and other means of identification of goods, work and services (trademark and service mark). As the research subject, the doctrinal provisions of the administrative, civil and information law were used, as well as the implementation practice of administrative-law methods of governmental regulation to ensure the protection of the means of identification of legal entities, goods, work and services, such as the commercial name, trademark and service mark. The methodological base is the combination of research method among which the leading role is played by the dialectical materialistic research method. The method of systematic analysis made it possible to identify the place of the means of identification in the system of exclusive rights which exist in law. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive generallegal analysis of the specifics of administrative-law regulation of the protection enjoyed by the means of identification. The article considers the legislative regulation of administrative-law methods used to ensure the treatment of holders of rights to the means of identification; it considers the registration treatment of the means of identification; it defies the administrative method of protecting the exclusive right to the commercial name, trademark and service mark, and describes the types of administrative responsibility for offences against the exclusive right to the means of identification.


administrative-law regulation, protection, means of identification, commercial name, trademark, service mark, exclusive rights, registration actions, administrative law, law enforcement practice.

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