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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Parshukov, A. Yu., Kharisova, R. R., Chebakova, Yu. V. (2014). Relation of Different Types of Generalization to Different Variants of Schizophrenia Defect. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 10, 1092–1105.
Parshukov, A. Yu., Kharisova, R. R., Chebakova, Yu. V. Relation of Different Types of Generalization to Different Variants of Schizophrenia DefectAbstract: The article is devoted to the functional and categorical types of generalization which reflect adequate variants of cognitive operations and relate to different levels of activity: 1) generalization of a great number of items that have very different sensitive features but that are usually used to satisfy universal social needs – ‘functional generalization’; and 2) generalization of a number of items that are usually used to achieve universal social goals – categorical generalization. The research is based on the Russian activity approach to studying the superior mental functions as well as discoveries of foreign authors who viewed the process of categorization and semantic processing of knowledge through studying peculiarities of the storage, processing and extraction from the long-term memory and through studying mental vocabulary. The authors assume that functional and categorical generalizations are actualized progressively along with the increasing general cognitive and emotional deficit demonstrated by a person with schizophrenia. According to the authors, oversensitivity to functional generalizations accompanied with their simultaneous distortion and decrease of categorical generalizations is more typical for the psychopathological schizophrenia defect; increase in categorical solutions when performing mental operations is more typical for pseudo-organic type of schizophrenia defect. Keywords: schizophrenia, type of defect, thought disorder, activity, semantic organization of knowledge, social memory, generalization, cogitation, functional generalization, categorical generalization.
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