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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Noss, I. N. Personal Professional Identification: Definition and Functioning

Abstract: The article focuses on the problems of personal professional identification. The author of the article offers a general definition of ‘personal professional identification’ as an optimal structure (list) of personal professional qualities that allow an individual to be efficient in his work, i.e. to answer the main functional requirements of his profession. The author also analyzes closely associated terms such as ‘personal reliability’, ‘professional reliability’, ‘professional aptitude of an individual’ and ‘personal professional peculiarities’. The author also provides empiric data of personal professional identification in civil service. Theoretical concepts have been proved by the empiric data obtained though comparative analysis of personal professional qualities of workers of different majors. The analysis also involved statistical procedures of correlation analysis and methods of statistical inference. Psychological indicators were obtained by the means of objective, subjective and projective test methods. ‘Personal professional identification’ is a new term introduced into the sphere of psychological research as a structure of signs of a professional psychological phenomenon allowing to distinguish different types of personality versus professions. The concept of personal professional identification also involves the creation of professional psychological models within the framework of practical assessment of human resources for the purpose of career guidance, recruitment and support of workers in the process of their career and personal professional development.


personal professional identification, personal reliability, professional reliability, professional aptitude, personal professional peculiarities, structure of professionally important qualities, dynamics of personal professional identification, model of a worker, professional psychological model, regression of personal qualities.

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