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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korniliev, V. V. Process Approach to the Analysis of Mental States (Part 1)

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of describing the dynamics of mental states. The purpose of the article is to withdraw from the idea of viewing mental states as a fragmentary sequence. The author offers the idea of procedural analysis of mental states. For this purpose, the author tries to view the phenomenon of human being in a certain mental state as a continuous process. The author also analyzes the opportunity to attract models from special sciences as well as new parameters for describing mental states in time continuum. The phenomena being analyzed include genius and insanity, both of these states are viewed as ‘borderline’. The main research method used in this article is a psychological modeling, i.e. using the orthogonal system for defining mental states through special parameters. As a result of his research, the author offers new terms ‘mental intention’ and ‘mental time’. Mental time is viewed as a chain of both completed potential transformations of mental life and consists of mental future and mental past. These terms are used in the orthogonal system of definition when the axes are ‘mental time’ and ‘biological time’. The fluctuations of mental intention in the system describe human mental states.


mental state, mental past, biological time, genius, pathology, fluctuation, mental intention, mental resource, procedurality, mental future.

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