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Software systems and computational methods
Fominykh M., Smorkalov A.Yu., Morozov M.N. (2014). Extended stream processors texture generation model for 3D virtual worlds: evaluation
results. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 357–373.
Fominykh M., Smorkalov A.Yu., Morozov M.N. Extended stream processors texture generation model for 3D virtual worlds: evaluation resultsAbstract: In this paper, we present an extended stream processors texture generation model for displaying educational content in 3D virtual worlds. The model suggests conducting image-processing tasks on stream processors in order to reduce the load on CPU. The main objective of the paper is to provide the evaluation results of the suggested extended model based on a series of tests. The extension of the model consists of using fixed pipeline features of stream processors. The obtained results of performance evaluation confirm high efficiency and veracity of the generalized mathematical and programming models for image processing. High performance can be explained by specificity problem of generating educational content for virtual words because the source data for the synthesis of images and the data area for the resultant images are in the local memory of stream processors. Keywords: 3D virtual worlds, image processing, stream processors, educational content, vAcademia, performance evaluation, mathematical model, programming model, performance, image synthesis
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