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Software systems and computational methods

Shumov V.V. Complex approach to the development of border activities automation concept

Abstract: In this paper the author concretizes the principles of modeling border activities and considers the sequence of development of methods and models for border security and their classification. The basic approach (the set of methods and techniques) to development of the concept of automation is in consistent decomposition of the domain based on the classification of measures. The elements of the domain are combined into a single system by identifying flow through processes, by the use of cycles of border activity and border control. The suggested classification of management methods for regime, prevention and border measures allows obtaining a complete and consistent list of border tasks to be automated. The article also reviews a methodology of automation of border activity, based on the decomposition of the process of border security. Building the automation concept for border activity involves the use of methods of systems analysis and systems engineering, ETOM methodology, the main provisions of the theory of law, criminology, theories of security, border studies and border metrics. In order to create a highly effective decision support systems in the field of border security management the author classifies the methods of border security. The article considers and substantiates the structure of regime, prevention, security, control and operational security measures. The block diagram of the processes of the first level is build and includes two parts: border security management processes and border units’ management processes.


border activities, border security, concept, automation, automation methodology, management methods, border measures, information models, mathematical models, principles of modeling

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