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Software systems and computational methods
Simankov V.S., Tolkachev D.M. (2014). Development of information-analytical system for obtaining relevant data and knowledge
on the Internet. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 298–311.
Simankov V.S., Tolkachev D.M. Development of information-analytical system for obtaining relevant data and knowledge on the InternetAbstract: the article is devoted to development of algorithms and methodical provisions for obtaining relevant data and knowledge on the Internet. Under the relevant data and knowledge the authors mean the information needed to solve a problem or task. The article examines issues related to semantic data compression, providing semantic coherence of the text, defining semantic similarity of texts or phrases, as well as with automatic search of brief and accurate answers to questions. Research takes into account peculiarities of the Internet as a source of huge amounts of unstructured information. The study uses a systematic approach, theory of algorithms, algebra of logic, set theory and comparative analysis. The article presents a general algorithm for the problem-oriented auto-reviewing. The authors raise the questions of finding the semantic relationships between sentences. The article describes techniques of generating an integrated review and identifying the semantic similarity of the two texts. The authors developed an algorithm of finding the answers to question and show the results of building the information-analytical system of obtaining relevant data and knowledge on the Internet. Keywords: data, knowledge, Internet, search engines, problem-oriented auto-reviewing, semantic connections, pronominal anaphors, regular expressions, semantic similarity, ternary expression
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