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Software systems and computational methods
Klimenko A.B., Trotsenko R.V. (2014). The solution of problem of resource optimization and computation scheduling using of
parallel annealing simulation. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 282–290.
Klimenko A.B., Trotsenko R.V. The solution of problem of resource optimization and computation scheduling using of parallel annealing simulationAbstract: various metaheuristics, such as method of simulated annealing, are currently used for solving the tasks of resource usage optimization and computation scheduling. Simulated annealing is a serial method and it is difficult to parallelize it. However, different methods of parallelization have been developed recently in order to improve the quality of the solutions and the time of algorithm execution. The subjects of the study are the methods of parallelization for annealing simulation, in particular, the method of independent starts with and without synchronization. As an example of simulated annealing implementation the authors select the method with thermal scheme “quenching” as the fastest one. The article shows analytical review of simulated annealing parallelization, with a selection of the most promising methods, for which a series of computational experiments was carried out. Scientific novelty of the work is in the discovery of new dependencies and trends that were not described previously in similar studies. In discussing the parallelized annealing simulation with synchronization the authors raise a question of the existence of the dependence of the quality of the solutions with not only the number of computing devices, but also with the frequency of the solutions exchanges. For asynchronous parallel simulated annealing the article shows a tendency to solutions improvement with the increase of the number of computing devices, while for synchronous simulated annealing a similar dependence was not found. Keywords: simulated annealing, parallel algorithm, optimization, computational system, resource optimization, parallel computing, resource assigning, metaheuristics, parallelization techniques, computation scheduling
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