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International relations
S. M. Ivanov (2014). Iraq Oil Provokes New Conflicts. International relations, 4, 530–539.
S. M. Ivanov Iraq Oil Provokes New ConflictsAbstract: According to OPEC, daily production of oil in Iraq in February 2014 grew by 400 thousand barrels and reached 3.4 mmbpd – the highest level in the last few decades. Out of that amount, about 2.8 mmbpd were exported. If the country manages to maintain its average annual export at the level of 2.9 mmbpd, in 2014 it will earn about USD 100 billion (in 2013 Bagdad got about USD 89 billion while annual export was 2.4 mmbpd). Iraqi authorities are planning to achieve, by the end of 2014, the production of 4.5 mmbpd and in 2020 they intend to produce 9 mmbpd of oil. According to the annual review published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), by 2030, Iraq may confidently become one of the three global leaders in the production and export of hydrocarbons. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, oil, USA, conflict, interests, values, security.
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