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International relations
S. V. Tkachenko. (2014). Definition and Contents of Information and Psychological War. International relations, 4, 513–519.
S. V. Tkachenko. Definition and Contents of Information and Psychological WarAbstract: For today’s Russia, studying the technology for demolishing national identity is now more important than ever because it identifies the causes for the defeat suffered by the USSR in the Cold War and, as a result, it explains the essence of the model of the modern Russian state built by now. Becoming aware of the nature of such war against Russia makes it possible to build the strategy for effective counteraction, promptly identify the reasons why certain modernization processes in our country are non-existent or very slow. Information and psychological war is viewed by the author as a combination of technologies aimed at corrupting the public perception in the countries of the potential (geopolitical) opponent in order to reduce the resistance in case of external expansion and to implement successful colonial policy. The methodological basis is formed by the general scientific cognitive methods (dialectics, analysis, synthesis, analogy, functional, systematic, and structural approaches, abstraction and specification, linguistic analysis), specific scientific methods (as well as special legal research methods: formal legal, comparative law research, technical legal, legal modeling) and special (sociological, psychological, anthropological, historical) methods. Using various research methods and the latest achievements in social sciences in their combination made it possible to describe the object and subject matter of the research in the common regularities of their existence and development, contributed to achieving the chosen objective and solving the tasks set. The author defines the information and psychological war as a combination of technologies aimed at corrupting the public perception in the countries of the potential (geopolitical) opponent in order to reduce the resistance in case of external expansion and to implement successful colonial policy. It is using it that makes it possible to manipulate the public opinion reducing protest intentions. Certain political and legal myths are implanted in the society distracting it from the reality. Keywords: information war, manipulation, West, colony, ideology, collaborationism, intervention, management, managed chaos, expert.
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