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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Kurbanov R.A., Shvedkova O.V., Belyalova A.M. Analytical Review of the Work of the 99th Plenary Session of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)

Abstract: This article presents a summary of the 99th plenary session of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission of the Council of Europe), which adopted a number of opinions on the legislation of the countries – members of the Venice Commission, including the opinion on Russian Law amending the NGO Law (Law on Foreign Agents) and the Penal Code (Act on treason and espionage). Also at the 99th plenary session was approved the study by the national legislations on freedom of peaceful assembly, prepared under the request of the Commission by the German Institute of Max Planck.


European Commission for Democracy through Law, Venice Commission, Council of Europe, 99th plenary session, the law on non-profit organizations, the law on treason and espionage, opinion, analysis of legislation.

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