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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Bogdan V.V. The Acts “On the Protection of Consumers’ Rights” in Russia and Ukraine: a Comparative Legal Review

Abstract: The issues of legal regulation of consumer rights protection are of current importance to any democratic state. The transition to a market economy in the former Soviet Union republics caused an acute need for a clear legal regulation of relations arising between consumers and business entities. Consumer legislation is intended to protect not only the rights of a particular consumer, but also to ensure the stability of all relations at the market of goods and services. The formation of the civil law system of consumer rights protection is a complex, multi aspect process. The present article analyzes the provisions of consumer rights protection laws in Russia and Ukraine. The subjects of the research are legal standards regulating the procedures of consumer rights protection, and law enforcement practice. The main attention is focused on the specifics of the above mentioned two States laws, enshrining the rights of consumers, their implementation mechanisms, and their common and distinctive features. The similarity of the legal systems and the same time experience in the application of the law in practice, allow the author to draw conclusions about the possibilities and prospects of mutual borrowing of individual legal norms.


consumer, protection of consumers’ rights in the Ukraine, national mechanism of consumers’ rights protection, law, comparative legal studies, consumer rights, judicial practice, entrepreneurship, balance of interests.

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