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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Voronin Y.V. To the Role of Social Security in Market Economy

Abstract: Within the framework of this article the attempt to correlate the economic aspects of the modern state with its social and legal nature was made. It is concluded that the existing social liabilities – is the legal reality that Russia, as successor to the USSR as a legal and social state is obliged to execute and further develop. Social security is not seen as a burden, but a prerequisite for economic growth, in the spirit of international instruments in recent years. This suggests that adequate social security is in any case not the result of economic growth, and its necessary precondition. Legal content of social policy has long time been recorded by minimum standards of social security enshrined in ILO Convention ¹ 102. Following the early ratification of this Convention, for the creation of proper frame of reference of social policy Russia is going to ratify the three other core ILO conventions in the field of social security – the Convention of 1962 ¹ 118 "On the equality of social welfare," Convention of 1967 ¹ 128 "On the invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors'" and the Convention of 1982 ¹ 157 "On the preservation of rights in the field of social security".


market economy, social policy, social security, social and legal nature, social obligations, economic growth, social solidarity, social redistribution, ILO Convention, the principle of tripartism.

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