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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Busurmanov Z.D. Eurasian Economic Union as New Humanistic Value

Abstract: The article deals with the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms through the prism of Eurasian integration. Special attention is paid to the signing of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union by the heads of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, which aims, inter alia, to promote the rights of citizens of the Eurasian Economic Union, in various fields, including the critical area of public relations – the social sphere. It is noted that the concept of human rights should be based not only on international law and the domestic legal documents, but also give special consideration to the mentality, culture, worldview, perception, i.e. such categories, which have human rights no less, but sometimes even more pronounced effect than legal acts. In this regard, the author offers a science-based Eurasian concept of human rights, the basis of which should make the Eurasian Declaration on Human Rights and Peoples' Rights as a new international instrument in this area, extending to the Eurasian continent. In addition, the Eurasian Declaration of Human Rights and Peoples' Rights, as suggested by the author, can be an important backbone document in the sphere of human rights of the Eurasian Economic Union. Special attention is paid to the idea of creating of a Eurasian Court of Human Rights, which can fully take into account the specificities and peculiarities of the states of Eurasian region, the existing legal regulation, culture and traditions of the population. It is emphasized that the Eurasian Court of Human Rights can play a role of the tribunal when intranational opportunities and mechanisms to eliminate facts of violation of civil rights and fundamental freedoms and peoples in Eurasia are exhausted.


Republic of Kazakhstan, Eurasian integration, human rights, the Eurasian Economic Union, the concept of rights and obligations, international law, national law.

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