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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Khabrieva T.Y. Main Vectors and Problems of Development of Social Legislation

Abstract: The article on the guidelines for the development of social legislation of the Russian Federation predicts a rapid and accelerated development of this block of Russian law system. Among the large-scale trends typical for social legislation the author includes: expanding of the scope of regulation (juridification) and the corresponding expansion of legal regulations, differentiation of social legislation on the new brunches (in particular, immigration legislation), the formation of new sub-brunches within the existing ones (for instance, labor relations in the public service) and institutions (biotechnology and so on). The article discusses some "growth problems" of social legislation: the tendency of commercialization of the sphere leads to a decrease of the quality of services, the weakening of safeguards for the most vulnerable categories of citizens (for example, cancellation of the rules on prior consent of the guardianship authorities to carry out transactions with premises where children live, led to a decline of living conditions of many minors of the Russian Federation). As a result the very content of constitutional rights is expressly questioned. At the same time it is underlined that the positive aspect of social legislation juridificationis the appearance of new obligations of the state in the social sphere. To overcome the existing problems and to prevent new ones it is proposed to strengthen the role of science in determining the broad guidelines of development of social legislation in the systematization of social legislation, unification of regional legislation in the social sphere, preventing the rejection of statutory approach in the formation of the secondary legislation, reduction of by-law regulation, strengthening the greater coherence of other branches of Russian legislation with the norms of social legislation. Optimization of legislative regulation through the adoption of the Federal Law "On Normative Legal Acts" will contribute to the elimination of many defects of social legislation and greater stability of legislation of the Russian Federation in the whole.


social development, juridification, social legislation, public services, public relations, obligations, systematization of legislation, migration law, inter-branch legal complexes.

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