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National Security

Koptseva N.P., Reznikova K.V. On the question of cultural-psychological factors of national security. The results of associative experiment with associate “modern warfare” (based on the materials from the research in groups of students of Siberian Federal University)

Abstract: The subject of this research is the humanitarian aspects of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation with regards to cultural-psychological factors of forming of the concept “modern warfare” within the social group of youth and students based on the material of analysis of the results of the conducted associative experiment. In theoretical examination of the term “modern warfare”, the relevance of the level analysis of the causes of war becomes evident. One of the least researched levels is the national (state) level, where the concept of “modern warfare” forms. The article presents the contents of the concept “modern warfare”, reconstructed upon the empirical interdisciplinary research. The methodology of this inquiry carries an integrative character. The basic method of research is the associative experiment on the methodology of Nazarov and Sokolov, approved in the current Russian research. Also used, were the theoretical methods related to the analytical overview of modern scientific literature on research, and analysis of the concept “modern warfare”. The scientific novelty of this research is pertaining to the implementation of the associative experiment method with regards to the student groups of the Siberian Federal University. The results are systematized; generalized conclusions are drawn about the key contents of the concept “modern warfare” among students. The study reveals certain cultural-psychological factors attributed to the forming of the image of modern warfare among youth.


National security, cultural-psychological factors, modern warfare, causes of war, level analysis, national (state) level, associative experiment, concept, studentship, Siberian Federal University.

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