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Administrative and municipal law

Kupreev, S.S. Administrative law at the guard of state security.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the role and value of administrative law in the sphere of guaranteeing state security. The norms of administrative law are predominantly preventive, since the priority of preventive measures is one of the principles in the sphere of security guarantees, application of measures of administrative legal influence is capable of guaranteeing significant effect in the sphere of state security. Improving the level of administrative legal guarantees of state security may be illustrated with a number of examples, such as improvement of the legislation on the public service, activities of foreign NGOs and organizations involving foreign financing, more detailed regulation of the organization and holding of public events. Special attention is paid in the article to the issues of administrative activities of the Russian special services. The article is prepared based upon the studies of normative legal acts and legal practice in the sphere of guaranteeing public security with the use of historical and comparative methods for the scientific research. In this article based upon the analysis of various aspects of use of administrative legal instruments in the sphere of state security guarantees, the author makes a conclusion on the need for the further improvement of the administrative legislation on these issues. At the same time, application of the administrative measures should correspond both the principles of lawfulness and protection of human rights, as well as to the principles of viability of the decisions.


administrative law, state security, administrative activity, public service, foreign organizations, public events, fighting terrorism, prophylactics, preventive activities, special services.

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