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Culture and Art
Kozyakova, M. I. (2014). The Culture Code in Artistic Discourse:
European Art On its Way to Modern. Culture and Art, 5, 547–560.
Kozyakova, M. I. The Culture Code in Artistic Discourse: European Art On its Way to ModernAbstract: Art appeals to one’s inner world and speaks the language of emotions and therefore can help to discover the culture code of the epoch and reveal deep archetypical structures like no other historical attributes. Rich and versatile artistic material that has been created in Europe gives an opportunity to trace back interesting tendencies in the interaction between the evolution of art and socio-cultural historical environment. To do it, it is necessary to view history of art from the point of view of its ‘sociality’ as well as ‘utility’ that should be interpreted as the need of the dominating social structures. Art work of different forms, genres and styles help to realize both sacral and secular socially determined needs of the society. Ancient times, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Early Modern Period present different models of these relations which is reflected in particular art forms and movements. This is the topic under research of the present article. Methodological base of the research is the art history and cultural approach, i.e. art history is being viewed from the point of view of cultural studies. The author also uses the methods of comparative socio-cultural analysis and reenactment of the most representative artistic practices. The research is carried out both in the synchronic and diachronic projections, i.e. the analysis of the historical periods is accompanied with the analysis of different art forms, movements and styles typical for particular historical periods. Up to Early Modern Period when the bases of the civilization of Modern were created, art had been just an attribute or a religious apology glorifying the Divine. Sacral art did not need to show who the creator of artwork was. Creative individuality had a secondary role and an artist had to follow strict rules of the canon or a dominating style. With time that tradition became weaker and secular values replaced Christian theodicy. The role of the demiurge and creator was gradually taken by human which was also reflected in particular forms of artwork. Artistic morphology, both sacral and secular, was directed by cultural and social factors. The choice of artistic practices depended on the societal status of the elite groups and their collective needs and preferences. ‘Sociality’ and ‘utility’ of art are shown based on the study of quite a long period in history. These terms are taken in quotation marks in order to show the novelty of the post-modernistic approach which opposed to the traditional non-utilitarian status of art used in classical esthetics. Keywords: Culture, culture code, sociality, utility, religion, artistic style, ancient times, Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment.
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