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Philosophy and Culture
Matveev, S. R. (2014). Francois Guizot as a Political Philosopher. Philosophy and Culture, 10, 1416–1422.
Matveev, S. R. Francois Guizot as a Political PhilosopherAbstract: The author of the present article analyzes the political philosophy of a French intellectual and state activist Francois Guizot (1787 – 1874), its sources, methodological bases, key principles and central issues considering the socio-political environment in France after Napoleon. The autho of the present article analyzes the main approaches of the philosopher to the key issues of the philosophical discourse at the age of Restoration (1814 0 1830) such as the sovereignty issue, the balance between freedom and order, legacy of the Revolution and its role in the political system of France, contradiction between freedom and equality. The methodology of the article is based on the history of ideas which principles allow to reconstruct Guizot’s intellectual style as well as to discover the influence of his ideas on succeeding philosophers. Analysis of the theoretical heritage of Guizot has allowed to re-integrate his philosophical concept into the modern political-philosophical discourse which may help to reveal the philosophical sources of French liberalism and demonstrate the relation between this ideology and democratic tradition as well as to see a complex reflection on the status of philosophical issues in the political practice. Keywords: Fracois Guizot, political philosophy, Restoration, sovereignty, freedom, power, political theory, France, state institution.
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