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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Datchenko, S. A. (2014). The Place of the Theory of Functional Systems in Solution of Psychological Tasks. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 9, 968–974.
Datchenko, S. A. The Place of the Theory of Functional Systems in Solution of Psychological TasksAbstract: The article is devoted to the application of the theory of functional systems to solving psychological tasks. The author of the article summarizes and describes the framework of notions and concepts used in the theory of functional system, concepts on neuronal activity and operational architectonics. Psychologists rarely use the theory of functional systems. Firstly, TFS was created only in 1935 and has been changed a lot over the past years. It still continues to develop today. Therefore, it is difficult to trace back changes and additions even to the classical TFS. Secondly, the conceptual framework developed by TFS is absolutely different from the conceptual framework used by different branches of psychology. Thirdly, the emergence of mental processes does not allow to directly compare them to physiological processes. As a result, a considerable number of psychologists have a prejudice against all that may concern physiology while TFS is directly connected to physiology. Methodological and theoretical grounds of research include the systems approach (offered by I. Sechenov, I. Pavlov, L. Vygotsky, A. Ukhtomsky, A. Luria, P. Anokhin, V. Shvyrkov, K. Sudakov and A. Bernstein), the activity principle (offered by B. Ananiev, V. Petrovsky and others), systems psychophysiology including the theory of functional systems (P. Anokhin) and systems evolutionary approach (V. Shvyrkov) and others. Initially, particular advantages application of TFS may seem to be acceptable from the point of view of the systems approach to solving some psychological tasks. Nevertheless, the analyzed researches are usually based on the limited Einstein’s scientific paradigm that sees only the anatomic physiological structure of human. Therefore, TFS cannot be fully used to solve psychological tasks. According to the author of the article, only the integrated approach can actually solve modern methodological issues. Keywords: integrated approach, systems approach, system psychophysiology, theory of functional systems (TFS), systems evolutionary theory, functional system, psychophysiology, operational architectonics, psychology.
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