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Philosophy and Culture

Shevchenko, I. V. Traditional Folk Culture as a Prerequisite for Preservation of Cultural Identity in Modern Society

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of preservation and development of traditional folk culture as one of the key conditions of socio-cultural security of modern society. The importance of the research of regeneration of traditional folk culture is conditioned by the significant decrease in potentials of Russian culture and structure destruction of the cultural self-reproduction of society and at the same time people’s desire to preserve their singularity and demonstrate their original tradition in the process of radical changes happening in the modern world under the influence of globalization processes in all spheres of human life. The object of the research is the traditional folk culture as a constructive factor for consolidation of a modern society. The subject of the research is the elements of folk culture as a resource of preservation of regional cultural identity under the conditions of the development of the regional, Russian and global heritage. Research methodology is based on the cultural theory that combines methods and results of scientific researches in different branches of social humanities. This approach allows to reveal the potentials of the traditional folk culture as a mean of preservation of the socio-cultural identity of the modern society. The author concludes that in the age of globalization, values of traditional folk culture can restrain rapidly growing negative trends of social development and reinforcement of cultural traditions creates grounds for harmonization of the process of creation of socio-cultural identity and at the same time formation of intercultural tolerance.


traditional folk culture, intangible cultural heritage, cultural potential, regional culture, regional identity, folk traditions, federal target programs, regional target problems, cultural values, identity.

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