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Philosophy and Culture
Danielian, N. V. (2014). The Ideas of Gender and Post-Humanism in Russian Philosophy and Socio-Scientific Literature. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 1248–1256.
Danielian, N. V. The Ideas of Gender and Post-Humanism in Russian Philosophy and Socio-Scientific LiteratureAbstract: The author of the article analyzes various approaches to the gender and post-humanism issues in Russian philosophy and socio-scientific literature. According to the author, the main reason of the appearance of such researches is both the fundamental changes that have taken place in the Russian society and development of the humanities which create the need in viewing the aforesaid issues from the point of view of social science and philosophy. The author of the article describes the five stages of formation and development of this scientific discipline in Russia. This allows to better understand the main tasks of Russian gender researches at different stages of their development. The main research methods used by the author include the comparative and dialectic methods as well as the ideas and principles of the systems approach. The author makes an assumption that the post-humanism concept appeared in Russian science at the fifth stage of the development of gender researches as a result of the Russian society entering the age of universal informatization and globalization processes. The present article is focused on the ideas of Russian cosmists which were continued in Russian trans-humanism. According to the author of the article, one of the main dangers of the modern society is the deindividuation of human and the blurring of distinctions between man and woman. Nanotechnologies are seen as a bright example and proof of the aforesaid statement. The results of the author’s analysis show that gender issues are now losing its importance and often ignored by researchers. The post-humanism ideas are aimed at existence beyond humanism, in other words, human body falls outside personality and gender. For this reason, the author offers a new concept of creating ‘post-humanist’ gender relations. Keywords: gender research, post-humanism, trans-humanist movement, cosmism, nanotechnologies, network society, post-human, social constructivism, natural epistemology, society.
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