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Pedagogy and education

Pozdnyakova, U. S. Socio-Cultural Entertaining Activities Involving Children: Contemporary Issues

Abstract: The article is devoted to contemporary issues of arranging and performing entertaining activities in sports and health centers for children as part of the system of measures aimed at prevention of deviant and delinquent behavior. The research article contains a complete analysis of procedural, institutional and functional problems of arranging and performing entertaining activities at sports and health centers for children and provides a classi􀏔ication of these problems offered by the author of the article. The author also studied the reasons of the aforesaid problems and described the causes, contents and basic features thereto. In her research Uliana Pozdnyakova used the following scienti􀏔ic research methods: statistical method, method of historicism, comparative law research methods, functional method, comparison, analysis and surveys. The author of the present article de􀏔ines and formalizes the main modern functional, procedural and institutional problems of developing and performing entertaining activities at sports and health centers for children as part of the measures aimed at preventing deviant and delinquent behavior. The author also offers her own classi􀏔ication of the aforesaid problems and describes their causes, contents and main features.


deviant, delinquent, behavior, arrangement, functioning, scope of preventive measures, sports and health center, society, entertaining activity, problems.

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