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Administrative and municipal law
Kalinin, G.I. (2014). Veterinary Service of Crimea: what it was, what it is now, what it shall be (due to entry of the Crimea into the Russian
legal sphere and formation of the government bodies with special competence). Some aspects of evaluation of the
activities of the Veterinary Service of Ukraine. Administrative and municipal law, 9, 993–997.
Kalinin, G.I. Veterinary Service of Crimea: what it was, what it is now, what it shall be (due to entry of the Crimea into the Russian legal sphere and formation of the government bodies with special competence). Some aspects of evaluation of the activities of the Veterinary Service of Ukraine.Abstract: The object of studies in this article involves administrative legal relations in the sphere of public veterinary administration. The Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol jointed the Russian Federation, and the Russian legislation applies to these constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. Russian government bodies and services are formed, including those in the sphere of veterinary services, while existing ones were responsible to Kyiv. The article discusses topical issues of formation of the new state veterinary service bodies, and some differences in the sphere of public veterinary administration in Ukraine and in Russia. The study involves general scientific methods: dialectic, historical, analysis, synthesis, deduction, historical legal method, comparative legal method, systemic structural method together with the systemic analysis. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the fact that it for the first time presents analysis of the differences between the veterinary bodies with special competence in Ukraine and in Russia. From this standpoint the author studies the Ukrainian normative legal basis and its differences from the Russian legislation. The article also discusses the problems, which the Russian government bodies may face in the Crimea, as well as some positive aspects of the normative legal guarantees of the state veterinary service in Ukraine, which could be used in future. Keywords: Crimea, veterinary, government bodies, state administration, legislation, supervision, control, foodstuffs security, veterinary services, material guarantees.
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