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Administrative and municipal law

Dubovik, O.L. Studies of administrative law and process: evolution of scientific ideas and the legislative provisions. On the 90th anniversary of N.G. Salischeva.

Abstract: The article characterizes the input of N.G. Salischeva in the development of sciences of administrative law and process, her role in the legislative activities, her ideas regarding formation of the system of administrative justice in Russia. The author analyzes the views of N.G. Salischeva as a scientist on the issues of contents and specific features of the administrative process in the USSR and in the Russian Federation on the issues of fundamental categories and principles of administrative judicial proceedings, guarantees of procedural rights of persons, reasons for the administrative and judicial reforms in early 2000s, results of their implementation. The author evaluates the efficiency of organization of the executive branch of government in the Russian Federation and perspectives of its development, legal mechanisms of judicial control in the sphere of interactions between public government and the people, as well as the perspectives for the formation of a legal institution of administrative procedure. The author also provides brief analysis of the concepts of the Federal Constitutional Law "On administrative Judicial Proceedings. General Part" and the Federal Law "On Administrative Procedure". The author characterizes the role of N.G. Salischeva in the interpretation of the norms of the Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offences. The 90th Anniversary of Nadezhda Salischeva is a holiday for all of her colleagues, co-workers and admirers of her talent, and it is a chance to wish her success in her creative work.


administrative law, administrative process, administrative justice, executive power, legal order, procedure, court, judicial control, administration, jurisdiction.

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