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International Law and International Organizations
Shinkaretskaya G.G. (2014). “Classic” international courts:
their role in supporting legal order. International Law and International Organizations, 3, 452–457.
Shinkaretskaya G.G. “Classic” international courts: their role in supporting legal orderAbstract: The author deals with the issue of preservation of the international peace with the help of the international bodies making obligatory decisions – international courts. The author studies the causes for the growing interest to this form of resolution of the international disputes: globalization, pacifi cation, etc. The author studies certain aspects of the judicial activities, which have became especially attractive, causing development of the judicial forms of international dispute resolution in the modern world. The author provides a classifi cation of the international judicial bodies, discussing their various categories, studying some aspects of the genesis of the international court. The author provides an example of the situation, when an international confl ict was resolved by this court (the dispute between Honduras and Nicaragua regarding activities of the armed groups in from the Honduras territory against Nicaragua). The author draws a conclusion that the true role of the international judicial procedures involves guarantees of the supremacy of law. Supremacy of law in the international relations requires formation of an unifi ed global legal order, which would provide every sovereign state with the freedom of actions within the framework of the generally recognized legal principles and norms. Keywords: International law, international court, judicial procedure, judicial precedent, judicial practice, decision, codifi cation, international dispute, development of law, the UNO.
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