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National Security

Skrynchenko, B.L., Moroz, V.D., Gribakina, N.A. Military economic analysis, its types and main stages.

Abstract: The object of studies involves measures, which are aimed at guaranteeing operational efficiency of the armed forces, and which are implemented within the structural units of the Armed Forces and enterprises in the defense industry. A measure is any goal-oriented activity within the framework of economic relations in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of military products. The object of studies involves specific economic relations regarding the most efficient ways for the use of material, labor and financial resources in order to achieve the goals set for the Armed Forces. The methodology of studies involves substantiation of the measures in order to guarantee the operational efficiency of the armed forces taking into account the costs of holding them and results achieved (effect). The article concerns the problems of using military economic analysis at the current stage of formation of the Armed Forces of Russia. The authors present the main stages of analysis, establishing the main directions for the use of military economic analysis in order to make the use of the economic resources of the Armed Forces more efficient. The authors propose the ways for the improvement of use of means in the process of military training, exploitation and repairs of arms and military machinery.


military economic analysis, economic evaluation, means for improvement, exploitation and repairs, problem of efficiency improvement, arms, military machinery, efficiency, goals of military economic analysis, economy of the armed forces, efficiency markers.

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