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Nikolenko, A.A. On the issue of problems, search and sources of formation of the scientific category “Russian power” in the political sphere.

Abstract: The author attempts to discuss a scientific category of “Russian power”. Special attention is paid to understanding the nature of the “Russian power” from the standpoint of its initial concept and formation of the discourse on this problem in the Russian public and political thinking. This problem is currently topical, since the formation of the political course of the state takes place in a rather complicated situation. In order to take adequate political measures, it is always important to take into consideration both the modern situation and the past processes. Accordingly, it is necessary to know how certain government institutions were formed and what were the scientific attitudes towards this problem in various periods of time. In order to understand how a certain concept or problem is formed in the political science it is convenient to apply comparative analysis. Therefore, a scientific evaluation of the category “Russian power” is formed in the Russian political thought since the early XIX century till the early Soviet period. The modern history of Russia once again makes this matter topical, and in the early 1990s one may find a number of outstanding works of Russian scientists on this issue.


Russian power, public and political thought of Russia, procedural qualities, political power, conservatives, radical ideas, liberal ideas, power-centrism, paternalism, legitimate state coercion.

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