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National Security

Gunich, S.V. Constitutional legal aspects of the mechanism of national security guarantees in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: The article contains a study of a constitutional legal mechanism for guaranteeing protected status of an individual, society and state from internal and external threats. The author provides analysis of the contents of the system of national security guarantees: subjects of security guarantees, objects and immediate object of security; methods and directions for guaranteeing national security. Comparison of the legal regulation of their interaction is implemented based upon the need to take into account the interests of individuals and citizens, preservation of the priority of his basic rights and freedoms, improvement and development of civil activity of persons and their associations, as well as sovereign unity of the nation. Characteristics of singled-out elements are provided from the standpoint of their correlation with the constitutional legal principles of formation of a rule of law democratic state and supreme value of human being, his rights and freedoms. The author draws a conclusion that the functioning of the mechanism for guaranteeing national security in the Russian Federation should be based upon the constitutional values. Its legal enshrinement should necessarily correspond to special value of a person, his rights, freedoms, civil peace and concord, integrity of a state and balance among the interests of person, society and state.


national security, balance of interests, mechanism, subject of security guarantees, subject of security, object of security, method of security guarantees, person, society, state.

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