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National Security

Borobov, V.N. Personnel management and motivation in a modern organization.

Abstract: Labor activity within the market economy framework is a complicated system of personnel interaction in the process of production, distribution and consumption of material values. These complicated relations are centered upon the interests of the people, who are at the same time producers and consumers of the necessary goods and services within the market. The scientific publication reveals the nature of personnel management. The author evaluates the main goals of personnel management and the problems of rational use of productive resources (first of all, human resources). The author discusses the general model of personnel management in a modern organization and the process of personnel motivation involving various stimuli for the workers. The author proposes the measures to be taken in order to make personnel management in a modern organization more efficient, and make the products more competitive. Currently a scientific solution to this problem in the Russian economy presupposes the presence of a substantiated mechanism for the management of production resources, including a mechanism for managing the personnel of various categories in the process of production and consumption of the material values based upon an economic use of resources. The main goal of persons in charge of the work (masters, shop mechanics, power engineers) and workers and service personnel is to organize security of works and control over compliance with the internal rules of enterprises and security guidelines by the staff. Efficiency of personnel management in a modern organization, competitiveness of products and well-being of the workers may only be achieved by compliance with the system of interrelated measures.


economics, economic resources, specialists, human resources, stimulation, motivation, process of work, rewards, management goals, qualified personnel.

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