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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich, P. S. Play as one of the Sides of Human Existence

Abstract: The author of the article tries to give a definition of the sides of human existence. He also distinguishes between the aforesaid term and the term ‘existentials’. Pavel Gurevich analyzes concepts of Johan Huizinga and Eugene Fink. According to the author, play is a true reflection of human nature due to its passion and fervour. This allows to define the historical forms of play activity including agonality, collective participation in a life of an individual or a family, demonstration of altruism and fancy forms of play activity in the Middle Ages (tournaments, fairs and carnivals). It is underlined that play is older than culture and it is an important factor of culture genesis. Pavel Gurevich also describes peculiarities of play as a specific sphere of human activity. In his research Pavel Gurevich applies methods of philosophical anthropology analysis. Phenomenology of game is related to the human nature and typical human fervour and attitude to unexpected fate. The author also uses methods of historical description of play activity. The novelty of the game is in viewing play as one of the sides of human existence. The author also outlines the watershed in understanding existentials and their closeness to the phenomena of human existence. Play activity is also analyzed as a form of social utopism.


psychology, philosophical anthropology, sides of human existence, existential, game, play, culture genesis, human passions, fervour, spontaneity, sacrifice.

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