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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich, P. S. The Variety of Human Reason (Reviews of the Books Published by the Kanon+ Publishing House)

Abstract: Being an undeniable achievement of the humanity, human mind is subject to severe phenomenological expertise today. Many researchers continue to reflect upon an amazing ability of a human to grasp the essence of phenomena, to catch the meaning and to create a rational picture of the world. So far mind has been viewed as the achievement of human. However, in recent years researchers have been talking more and more often about the variety of different forms of reasoning. In particular, when studying different epochs and cultures, historians came to the conclusion about different mental skills peculiar for different national communities. However, no one has ever before doubted the immutability and unity of human mind as a unique possession of people. But today researchers try to prove that a European, for example, has serious difficulties understanding Japanese reasons. It is not only the other mentality but even a different source of mental operations. Carl Jung once noted that aborigines thought Americas wee stupid because their thoughts were born in their minds while aborigines believed that a thought should be born in one’s heart. Back in those times it was just an ethnographic detail but nothing else. Maybe it is time today to study and understand this problem. These are the issues the books published by the Kanon + Publishing House are devoted to.


philosophy, psychology, mind, activity, culture, knowledge, meaning, existential, anthropological crisis, trans-humanism.

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