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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Zhuravleva O.O. Legal Regulation and Perspectives of Integration of the ASEAN States in Tax Sphere

Abstract: Member states of the Association of South-East Asia, have set themselves the task of creating of the economic union by 2015, which implies a more close cooperation in the tax sphere. In this regard, processes that affect the tax systems of the member states are of interest. The subject of the research is the process: 1) changes in national tax legislation of ASEAN states (consolidation, codification, unification and harmonization); 2) the formation of a network of bilateral agreements on avoidance of double taxation, including the prospects for transition to multilateral agreements in the tax field; 3) regional cooperation between national tax administrations and the formation of a regional organization of tax administrations. The main methods of the study are: 1) the method of analysis of the national legal regulation in the sphere of taxation, international agreements of the region, including in the field of regional integration of ASEAN states; 2) comparative-legal method applied in the study of national tax systems. Study of the legal aspects of the formation and development of regional associations, arising problems and approaches to their resolution is important in connection with the formation of the Common Economic Space, and in connection with the need to improve the competitiveness of the domestic legal system. On the basis of the study concluded that the implementation of the ASEAN Charter principles requires the harmonization of tax systems, more closer regional cooperation in the area of tax administration, the completion of the formation of a regional network of bilateral agreements on avoidance of double taxation. Prospects for integration in the tax field of ASEAN states are: 1) harmonization of national tax systems in accordance with the objectives of creating a nuclear power plant; 2) completion of the formation of a network of interregional DTT, entrance into multilateral DTT between the states of the region, to maximize the benefits of NPP; 3) the development of intra-regional cooperation between national tax administrations, establishment of a single regional association.


cooperation, harmonization, integration, principles of the tax system, ASEAN, DTT, tax administration, legal heritage, the legal system, regional cooperation.

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