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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Riekkinen M.A., Chebotarev G.N. Public Involvement to Realization of External Policy of the Russian Federation in Relation to Northern Countries

Abstract: Citizens' access to the implementation of foreign policy – an important but scantily explored issue. By changing the approach to the implementation of public diplomacy, reflected in a number of policy and program documents, research in the area of access to the individual implementation of foreign policy is a priority for the development of Russian science. This article codifies the legal mechanisms to involve citizens, NGOs, universities and the business community in the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in relation to the Nordic countries. To the "Nordic countries" in this paper refers the countris known in the world science as the term «the Nordic States», this include Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Finland (including the Aland Islands), Norway, Iceland, Sweden. The article deals with mechanisms such as public participation in the project "Northern Dimension"; participation in regional and international boards (Arctic Council, the Council of Baltic Sea States, the Barents and the Euro-Atlantic Council); use of opportunities of Russian NGOs for the implementation of Russia's foreign policy in relation to the Nordic countries (including through Public Diplomacy Gorchakov Fund, non-profit partnership "Russian International Affairs Council").


political rights, international standards, Russian-Scandinavian cooperation, public participation, public diplomacy, access to policy, alternative diplomacy, the Arctic Council, RAIPON, Russian NGOs.

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