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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Troshchinsky P.V. Peculiarities of Chinese Internet Security Legal Regulation

Abstract: The article investigates the issues of legal regulation of the Internet in the modern Chinese state. A comprehensive analysis of the current legislation of the PRC, which provisions affect the security issues of the Internet during its use by Chinese citizens is carried out. A strict policy of Chinese government designed to limitation of Internet content in cases of conflict of information in the applicable acts of law-making and political course of the state is pointed out. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of regulatory statutes of Chinese legislator, recognizing the right of the competent authorities of the state to shut down the content, attract Internet service provider to various types of legal liability, including criminal. The vagueness and imprecision of wordings enshrined in the regulations that provides ample opportunities to the Chinese law enforcers on the use of legal norms in the interests of the state and society. Chinese citizens' rights of access to information significantly limited in order to ensure national security and defense of the state against the negative influence from a foreign Internet space. The analysis allows to establish the seriousness of the authorities' approach to the regulation of the Internet sphere, use of strict measures to prevent falling into the network of information which undermine the foundations of the state system as well as a contrary to morality and ethics content.


information security, law of China, the legal regulation, the legal system, legal liability, Internet, comparative law, block of sites, state security, crime.

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