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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Fedorov A.V. Constitution of Criminal Liability of Legal Entities as a Prognostic Trend of Russian Criminal Legal Policy Development

Abstract: The article discusses issues related to the introduction of the criminal liability of legal persons to the Russian Federation. In particular, the objective of the introduction of such liability is justified due to changes in economic relations, transfer of role of the individual as a criminal to the wayside, and the increasing number of crimes committed in the name of legal entities. Within the framework of the described widespread international practice of criminal liability of legal persons the problems of the implementation of relevant international obligations of the Russian Federation's are disclosed. Argues, pointing to the lack of effectiveness of the existing institution of administrative liability of legal persons are given, as well as the possibility of its use as a theoretical basis for the relevant legislative decisions in the field of criminal law is pointed out. In conclusion of the article a lack of research of procedural aspects of criminal liability of legal persons is stated. Raising issues concerning the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons is actualized by character of contemporary international politics, aimed at tightening the liability of legal persons and the harmonization of national legislation in this field, as well as the national policy of the Russian Federation, as evidenced by the approved by the President of the Russian Federation the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2014 – 2015.


criminal and administrative liability of legal persons, politics, international obligations, the OECD Convention, Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, the FATF.

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