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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Plokhoy O.A. Main Trends of State Policy of the Russian Federation on Counteraction Corruption

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main trends and stages of realization of the state policy of the Russian Federation on counteraction corruption. The author researches organizational units of the counteraction corruption system and measures on creation of atmosphere of non-acceptance of corruption by society, efforts to attract the social oriented organizations for activity of interdepartmental anticorruption councils, working out of anticorruption educational programs. The author highlights that the counteraction corruption measures in the Russian Federation have consecutive and complex order in the state policy and made in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and coordinated by the President of the Russian Federation. The author concludes that the basis of legal regulation of anticorruption policy in the Russian Federation consists of the National Strategy on Counteraction Corruption, and revised National Anticorruption Plans approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The article reveals some discussion questions including that the one of the problems to be solved is increase of the cooperation degree between the state authorities and community – commercial, non-commercial, public, scientific organizations and mass media – on the subjects of the Russian Federation level on the problem of counteraction corruption. In addition the article substantiates necessity of working out and dynamic adoption of the own national anticorruption standards for business society which reflect peculiarities of historically formed legal system of the Russian Federation.


corruption, socially dangerous act, counteraction corruption, state anticorruption policy, anticorruption standards.

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