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Police activity

Astanin, V.V. Review of the PhD thesis of Bagmet M.A. “Fighting corruption in police (a criminological study)”.

Abstract: The article provides analysis and evaluation of scientific and practical importance of a PhD thesis on criminology regarding fighting corruption in police. The author discusses the key positions of the PhD thesis regarding testing authenticity of results and recommendations on prevention of corruption crime in a specific professional environment. The author discusses specific features of scientific school in the sphere of criminology, within which the PhD thesis was written. The problem of corruption and fighting its multiple manifestations is very topical in many respects: disciplines, consequences, reaction, spread, etc. It is quite rarely that truly topical aspects of anti-corruption issues are singled out of these long lists, becoming institutional due to common character and false beliefs in incurability of corruption. The methodological basis for the dissertation was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). While establishing topicality of the study, one should take into account the institutional problems. Corruption in the police lowers efficiency of implementation of state assignments on guaranteeing security of person, society and state. The general consequences of spread of corruption in the police include a weak society and, consequently, a weak state. The degree of substantiation of scientific positions, conclusions and recommendations provided for in a PhD thesis depend on whether object, subject and goals of the study are correctly established. The object of studies in the PhD is a complex of social relations, causing criminological opposition to corruption crime in police. The immediate object of studies involves general and criminological characteristics of corruption in police, its cause-and-effect links, personality of a corrupt officer and victim of such a crime, general and specific anti-corruption measures for the prevention of corruption in the police.


police, policeman, corruption, opposition, fighting, coercion, responsibility, sanction, method, corrupt

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