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Police activity

Obydenova, T.V., Badalov, M.M. On the issue of prophylactics of offences and crimes among the juveniles.

Abstract: Children form over a quarter of the population of the Russian Federation. In the course of social and economic reform state and municipal bodies have failed to guarantee necessary means of protection of juveniles from downsides and negative consequences of the transitional period. Difficulties in social and political situation in Russia put many juveniles into critical situations. Crises in many state administration spheres had a negative influence upon the situation in the sphere of juvenile offences. As the studies have shown juveniles have formed a criminally active segment of population in Russia. In the process of research the article involved both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, deduction, induction, etc.) and specific scientific methods (comparative legal method was involved in studying the legislative norms regarding activities of internal affairs bodies in the sphere of prevention of offences committed by the juveniles); documental analysis in the sphere of thesis study. The methods of research allowed to deal with the large amount of empirical materials via observations of the authors within the relevant aspects of thesis studies. In the process of studies the researchers studied the materials on administrative activities of the internal affairs bodies in the sphere of prevention and interception of juvenile offences, as well as to state reports on situation regarding children in the Russian Federation. Criminal statistics showed a rather small growth of juvenile crime till 1990s (about 11-12% each five years). Starting with 1991 there was a rapid growth of juvenile crime. In 1991-2014 the marker showed 46 per cent. Currently juveniles are among the most criminal categories of persons. Juvenile crime in Russia has been growing about six times faster than general number of persons in this age category. The juveniles now commit illegal acts, which were previously typical for grown-up criminals (selling weapons, narcotic and psychoactive substances, high technology crime, robbery, failure to comply with the lawful requests of a police officer, etc.).


police, Juvenile Delinquents Divisions, child, juvenile, police, prophylactics, method, form, coercion, conviction.

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