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Trends and management
Rozanova, L.I., Moroshkina, M.V., Tishkov, S.V. (2014). Structural differences in the formation of the gross product
in the Russian regions. Trends and management, 3, 293–301.
Rozanova, L.I., Moroshkina, M.V., Tishkov, S.V. Structural differences in the formation of the gross product in the Russian regions.Abstract: The gross regional product (GRP) is one of the key objects of studies of the situation in the regional economics, since based upon its structure one may evaluate goods, works and services in the territory of a specific constituent subject of the Russian Federation. The object of studies involves structural differences in the forming GRP in the Russian regions, depending on the input of certain types of activities into the added value. Based upon the level of GRP per person one may forecast economic and social dynamics in the society. The structure of forming GRP reflects the objective economic situation in the regions. Topicality of studies of structural difference may be explained with the reference to the evaluation of reality defining social and economic situation in the regions. In this article the authors regard the structure of the GRP as the main factor influencing polarizing of the regional groups in the highest and lowest parts of rating of Russian regions. The study of structural differences involves comparative method, vertical and horizontal analysis. Based upon them the author defines the main proportions for the analyzed markers, their absolute and relative values. The main scientific result of the study is revealing of the disproportion in the structure of the GRP on the decile groups of regions, showing the wideness of the gap between the leading groups and the groups, which are falling behind. The irrational structural shifts in the GRP explain the territorially non-homogenous social and economic development. The authors make a conclusion that strengthening influence of the real sector of economy is a necessary condition for lowering the existing disproportion in the development of the regions. Keywords: regional economics, structure of the GRP, structural differences, real sector, differentiation, agriculture, manufacture, sphere of services, state administration, stimulation mechanisms.
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