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Taxes and Taxation

Frumina, S.V., Zhuravleva, T.A. Shapchits, L.A. Problems of innovation stimulation: a financial aspect.

Abstract: The object of studies involves the combination of the applied methods of state regulation via taxes and their structural elements, which are aimed at the stimulation of innovation developments for the purpose of technological modernization of the Russian economy. The target elements of tax stimulation include preferences and reductions. The ambiguousness of the interpretations of these terms allows the tax bodies of the Russian Federation to demonstrate varying attitudes towards control over the use of these instruments. The biased attitude of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation to the control over the use of reductions by the tax-payers makes the tax-payers avoid their use. The study is based upon the document analysis and the combination of synthesis and systematizing. With the use of the method of generalization of scientific and legislative approaches to the Russian tax practice the authors define the specificities of application of the terms “preferences” and “reductions”. The authors provide theoretical generalizations, showing the goals and conditions for the tax stimulation of innovative activities via preferences and reductions, showing the contradictions in the official documents regarding identification of the terms “preference” and “reduction”. The authors then attempt to single out differences and to substantiate the need to provide for their definition at the legislative level. It is shown that current Russian taxation system is not wholly oriented at the improvement of innovative activities of economic subjects in the science-intensive spheres. The authors provide arguments proving lack of methods for the efficiency evaluation for the tax preferences and reduction, further complicating the formation of conclusion on the influence of the tax reductions upon the innovative development of the Russian economy.


tax stimulation, innovations, financial policy, tax policy, reductions, preferences, efficiency, taxation, profit tax, tax basis.

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