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Philosophy and Culture
Lanovsky, M. F. (2014). The Lifeworld as the ‘Medium’ of Social and Anthropological Interaction. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 1020–1027.
Lanovsky, M. F. The Lifeworld as the ‘Medium’ of Social and Anthropological InteractionAbstract: The author of the present research article addresses to the philosophical concept of the lifeworld and offers a philosophical and anthropological interpretation of that concept. First of all, the author provides a brief review of various interpretations of the concept of the lifeworld in order to show different aspects thereto. The main attention is paid to the concept of the lifeworld offered by Jurgen Habermas. The concept of the lifeworld was one of the key element of the social-philosophical and social-ethical theory of the German philosopher and closely related to the criticism of technocraticism and ‘scientification’ of civilization. The main purpose of the article is, firstly, to show modern transformations of the concept of the lifeworld taking into account the expansion of biotechnologies and, secondly, to show how mediator’s function of the lifeworld may intensify anthropological risks of constructivist utopias of the 21st century. In the present research the author has mostly used the interpretation method as well as general scientific research methods such as analysis and synthesis. When analyzing social and philosophical aspects, the author applied the dialectic approach and humanitarian criticism. The scientific novelty of the article is in appealing to Jurgen Habermas whose ideas have been understudied by Russian humanities. According to the author, theoretical views of that German philosopher on the lifeworld have the heuristic potential for the solution of philosophical and anthropological issues. Based on that assumption, the researcher makes an attempt to analyze functions of the lifeworld in the modern socio-cultural environment. Keywords: lifeworld, everyday life, utopia, constructivism, system, biotechnologies, social actors, Jurgen Habermas, public mind, science and technology.
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