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Administrative and municipal law

Kamilov, M.A. Definition of public security according to the new Public Security Concept in the Russian Federation.

Abstract: This article concerns the issues of definition of the term “public security”. This term is often mentioned in various normative legal acts of all levels, and also in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, however, the definition of this term was not legislatively provided for. So, on November 20, 2013 the President of the Russian Federation has approved the new Public Security Concept in the Russian Federation, and for the first time it did provide for the definition of the “public security”. However, this definition does not correspond to the pre-existing scientific views of it. Via the comparative legal analysis and historical retrospective the author studies the definition of the “public security” as provided for by the Public Security Concept in the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty is due to the fact that there is currently no comparative legal analysis of the definition of the term “public security”. The author makes a conclusion that the legislator correctly excludes some ambiguous formulations from the definition, and it allows to individualize the public security as a type of national security. Also, the legislative provisions for the definition of public security allows to make the provisions of normative legal acts more specific and to improve their further practical application.


public security, Concept, Nizhny Novgorod region, national security, President of the Russian Federation, public order, administrative legal guarantees, administrative law, types of security, comparative legal analysis.

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