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Software systems and computational methods

Boikov S.A. Expert evaluation of functional completeness of automated information systems for public institutions

Abstract: the article studies methods of determining functional completeness of automated information systems implemented in state social institutions. The author defines a list of automated functions, directly affecting the efficiency of the institution. The article reviews the use of technique based on the Delphi method in expert evaluation. The author considers features of the above mentioned technique as well as Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for the convergence of expert evaluations. The application of the method is demonstrated on the example of eight different software products for automation of services provisioning by public social institutions. For the first time the article proposes the use of technique based on the Delphi method in expert evaluation with the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient for the convergence of expert evaluations for evaluating the quality and functional completeness of automated information systems implemented in state social institutions. The analysis described in the article proves that appliance of the technique mentioned above significantly increases the objectiveness of the evaluation, through the use of feedback, analysis of the results of previous stages, as well as their account when estimating the significance of expert opinion.


functional completeness, expert evaluation, information systems, Delphi method, Spearman coefficient, methods of peer review, the convergence of expert evaluations, the pair correlation coefficient, coefficient of concordance, Kendall coefficient

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