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Culture and Art
Khrenov, N. A. (2014). A Hundred Years After the First World War.
War and Culture. Culture and Art, 3, 324–335.
Khrenov, N. A. A Hundred Years After the First World War. War and CultureAbstract: Latest Ukrainian events that have led to the disagreements between Russia and the West regarding evaluation of these events return us to the eternal problem about relations between Russia and the West as the two civilizations. Their relations have been developing in a form of a dialogue but there have been periods when the dialogue has been ceased. This is what happened during the First World War which 100th anniversary the world is going to celebrate in 2014. However, the First World War was not the last evidence of a growing conflict between Russia and the West. The Second World War was the next act of this tragedy. Reflecting on the two world wars of the 20th century, the author touches upon one of the most nettlesome questions in history – the misunderstanding that happens between different civilizations and the flare-up of which we are witnessing today. The author of the article makes an attempt not only to understand the damage caused by the clash of civilizations to the culture but also the way culture proves oneself in time of war. In this regard, the author focuses on the mentality of nations entering into a conflict. War is usually studied by historians or, to be more specific, military historians. Very few researchers study the psychological factor of war. However, the author of the present article makes an assumption that the clash of civilization does not only involve the conflict of military capacities but also the conflict of national mentalities. According to the author, by studying the mentality factor as a significant cultural feature in the history of wars, just as the present article does, we can create a new approach to war, the dialogue between civilizations and functions performed by culture in extreme situations. Keywords: war, civilization, dialogue, mentality, culture, barbarism, statehood, empire, Byzantine tradition, messianism.
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