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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Borzova, T. V. Evolution Dynamics of Understanding in Teaching

Abstract: The author of the article discusses advancement of students inside the procedural field of understanding within the boundaries of the three spheres of human existence and traditions of human subject research including cognitive, hermeneutic and existential traditions. The author describes such phenomena as understanding as knowledge, understanding as interpretation and understanding as an insight in the process of teaching students. Based on the analysis of interdisciplinary research the author of the article describes a text to be interpreted as the main unit of humanitarian educational activities that has significant potentials to develop students’ understanding during the process of their studying at university. The author focuses on theoretical peculiarities and special features of students’ working on a text for the purpose of advancement inside the procedural field of understanding. The author develops a theoretical model of the dynamics of students’ advancement inside the procedural field of understanding and defines empiric criteria of this process. The author shows that science has accumulated much potential for developing theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the problem in the process of creation and development of understanding in teaching. The results of the analysis of current sources of scientific information and new approaches offered by the author have allowed to prove the high importance of developing understanding in teaching and the need for practical implementation of conceptual approaches to teaching offered by famous Russian psychologies.


traditions of human subject research, cognitive sphere of existence, hermeneutic sphere of existence, existential sphere of existence, textual nature of knowledge, understanding as knowledge, understanding as an interpretation, understanding as an insight, understanding as problematization, procedural field of understanding.

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