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Trends and management

Rozin, V.M. Change of terms type and typology in architectural design.

Abstract: In this article typology is regarded as one of the means for the city development management. The author reconstructs the functions of typology in typical design of the Soviet period, where on one hand typology served as an instrument for the ideological social organization of the life of city population, and on the other hand as means for technologization of the life of city dwellers. The author discusses the definitions of type, typology, and technologization. In the second part of the article the author analyzes the modern conditions (appearance of the new city population, changes in the living standard, offering the new services) requiring formation of a new typology. Typology is best understood as a typology of technological solutions, or, more simply, as a typology of technologies defining mass typical behavior of city population and partially the character of architecture of buildings and construction. The author provides the principle of formation of such a typology for the movie theaters and institutions for horse-riding services. The author also characterizes the pre-project studies as one of the conditions for the typical and individual design within the framework of a novel typology. Development of the ideas of this article is based upon the methodology of activity analysis and cultural studies approach, as well as upon the comparative analysis and scening. The article also shows the dependency between the types of housing and utilities institutions and the form of social management, typical typological schemes reflecting the ideas of such management in typical and individual design, the need for a new management cycle and development of typological theoretical schemes, principles and examples of the new typology formation.


type, typology, technologization, life sustenance, management, organization, ideology, schemes, design, architecture.

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