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Trends and management

Skripnichenko, D.V. Territorial and national dimensions of federalism.

Abstract: Specific features of the modern model of federal structure of Russia is due to a number of historical reasons and factors, which have influenced the formation of territory and institutional design of Russia. Among the constant factors influencing specificities of development of federal system in Russia one may note the following: large territory, multi-national population, special role of the state in regulation of social and political development. In the latest decades the number of federations in the world was constantly changing: some fell apart and new ones were formed. Their dissolution and consolidation are influenced by a number of factors, and one may classify federations based upon these factors. Depending on which factor is dominant, one may single out the following types of federation: bi-subjective and poli-subjective. It is hard to find federations which belong purely to one type on the political map of the world, so the federation may contain elements of both types with various degree of their manifestation.


international relations, politics, federation, federalism, territorial structure, nationalism, state, interests, security, values.

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