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Trends and management
Zvorygina, M.A. (2014). Russian federalism and foreign experience of consociative democracy. Trends and management, 1, 14–20.
Zvorygina, M.A. Russian federalism and foreign experience of consociative democracy.Abstract: This article is devoted to the studies of possible application of the global experience in the sphere of formation of consociative democracy in Russia. Currently, there are 22 states with the federal political and territorial structure, and many of them are formed based on consociative principle. The geography of federalism is rather widespread, it is present in all five inhabited continents. The issue of an ideal model for the fragmented societies is still one of the most important political science problems. In 1960s quite a break-through in this sphere was a classification of segmented sustainable polities of Arend d’Angremond Lijphart. The methodology of studies includes systemic and structural-functional, comparativehistorical and comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization, induction an deduction, observation and text analysis. The scientific problem of this study calls for establishing the possibility for transferring the experience of foreign democracies based on consociative principles to the Russian soil. The object of studies involve specific features of implementation of consociation in the Russian Federation. The immediate object of studies involves possibility and efficiency of consocialism in the Russian Federation. Achievement of the said goal presupposes resolving the following matters: studies of the theory of consociative democracy by A. Lijphart, evaluation of the foreign experience in consociative democracy, establishing the possibilities for the formation of consociative democracy model in Russia. Keywords: management, politics, Russia, federalism, consociative democracy, political regime, political system, model, security, cooperation.
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