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Borodin, E.A. Conceptual fundamental bases for a reasonable approach towards the global politics and role of reasoning global political process.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the role of reason in the modern political processes, global politics and foreign policy of nation states. The author attempts to clarify the basic terms related to the term “reason (mind)” and to show how the “reason” factor is perceived by the participants of political process and political relations. It is established that “reason” is a rather complicated structure. In political and social human activities, it may be manifested in various levels as individual, collective and distributed reason. And there is also a complex manifestation. Appearance of the network structures in the organization of the modern society births the new form of existence of reason, such as network forms, which reflect themselves upon the reasonability criteria and evaluation of certain foreign political strategies or political courses as reasonable. As a result, it becomes obvious, that speaking of reasonable policy, we often mean various bases and criteria for reasonability. Moreover, different cultures have different ideas of reason and reasonability in political activities, which are based upon their traditions and social values. At the same time the noosphere teaching of V.I. Vernadskiy allows to synthesize various approaches to reason and its role in politics into a comprehensive paradigm, connecting them via the modern noo-vitism ideology.


administration, politics, reason noovitism, noosphere, Vernadskiy, state, interests, values, security.

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